Save some dough on tax

It’s simple – when you’re making a profit, you’re paying tax. But you could be paying

more than you need to. That’s the not-so-simple side of tax where we can help.

Tax planning is all about minimising business tax and

maximising personal wealth.

Talk to an


Tax Minimisation and Planning

You could be paying thousands in tax each year that you don’t need to. This is why we work with our clients proactively prior to the end of financial year to explore every strategy to reduce your tax and improve your position (legally, of course!).

We can give you a crystal clear indication on what and where to spend to put yourself on the right path for the new financial year, and give you piece of mind knowing what your tax liability is (way ahead of time – more time to save!). Check out our guide below outlining several strategies you can implement today!


New businesses who are unsure how they are performing

Businesses struggling with cashflow

Businesses wanting reassurance they won’t have a tax problem

Complex business structures with multiple entities

10 ways to lower your tax bill

Prepare for EOFY and minimise your business tax with our free guide on 10 strategies you can consider (plus a few more strategies thrown in!) to make sure you don’t pay more than you need to.

Considering strategies like taking advantage of ATO’s temporary full expensing scheme, reviewing owners wages, and super contributions to reduce personal income tax liabilities are all things that could make a big difference on your tax bill.


Why plan for 30 June?

By tax planning prior to 30 June the following can be considered:

  • Changes as a result of the federal budget that affect you
  • Take advantage of business asset purchase deductions
  • Contributions into superannuation to reduce personal income tax liabilities
  • Review owner wages & adjust as necessary to reduce unnecessary tax (only available if adjusted pre 30 June)
  • Avoid any unpleasant tax surprises
  • Plan future cash flow including tax payments & PAYGI catchup instalments
  • Ensure income is in the most appropriate entity to minimise income tax
  • And so much more.

Download your Free Tax Minimisation Strategies:


Download your Free Tax Minimisation Strategies:


ATO Changes Rules On Trust Distributions


Avoid tax penalties by making your Trust Distribution Resolutions

Get a free review of your books

Did you know we offer a ‘free review’ of your books, where we get one of our experienced advisors to take a look at your business with a fresh set of eyes, allowing them to pick up on roadblocks and provide solutions to increase profits, improve cash flow and save on tax.

If you’re not sure of how Tax Planning will benefit you, still waiting on last years financials, or have business goals that are not being reached, then this is perfect for you.

It’s a win-win, really. If we don’t find anything, you gain peace of mind knowing you’re doing the right thing, and if we do, you have an action plan that will dramatically improve your business.

(07) 5482 7655

Shop 3/9 Channon Street,
Gympie QLD 4570

Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM weekdays

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